Snow Day for Kids and Pampering for Mums
The Wilson Home Trust SNOW DAY!!
You are welcome to join us for another wonderful SNOW DAY! This day is pure joy for the kids!
Wednesday 30th September 2015, 10am-2 pm, Wilson Home Gardens, 1 St Leonards Road, Hauraki 0622.
Popcorn and hot chocolate will be provided. And the forecast is for sunshine!
email: to RSVP
NB: Please park in School car park behind school, or on nearby roads.
Feel Good Day for Mums 2015
A Wonderful Day of Pampering - free!
Friday 23 October 2015, 9.30am-2.30pm, Wilson Home, 1 St Leonard's Road, Hauraki 0622.
At the end of your day, our mission is to have uncovered a relaxed, more radiant you. Our massage therapists will massage away your stress, and our beauty therapists will replenish your soul and spirit. Our vegetarian lunch will nourish your body and we will send you home feeling fabulous!
Priority will be given to Mums who have never attended a Feel Good Day and who have children with high and complex needs, but please don't let that stop you applying for a place if you have a child with special needs. We will do our very best to accommodate as many of you as we can.
Please fill in the attached flyer and return to